What you feed grows; what you starve dies.
Thoughts on a morning jog:
God I’m slow. DO THE HARD THING.
Why am I doing this? DO THE HARD THING.
I am so old. DO THE HARD THING.
I hope I don’t trip. DO THE HARD THING.
Where did that speed go? DO THE HARD THING.
What am I trying to prove? DO THE HARD THING.
When will my breathing relax? DO THE HARD THING.
This is no fun! DO THE HARD THING.
This hill used to be easy. DO THE HARD THING.
I must look so old and slow. DO THE HARD THING.
Why should do I the “hard thing”? DO THE HARD THING.
Why are past failures popping up? DO THE HARD THING.
I don’t want to go up that hill. DO THE HARD THING.
What should I think about? DO THE HARD THING.
Think about the Spartans. DO THE HARD THING.
Think about Moses. DO THE HARD THING.
Think about Gandhi. DO THE HARD THING.
Think about Frankl. DO THE HARD THING.
Think about Dr. King. DO THE HARD THING.
Think about Jesus. DO THE HARD THING.
Fear knocked at my door; Faith answered,
There was no one there. DO THE HARD THING.