Had an interesting day. Found a way to help a client with a program, connected a training program with some self-directed employees, and discovered a ready-to-roll-out program to teach middle and high schoolers how to start a business, present it investors, and roll it out. All of these were prayers answered and all of them came to me out of the blue. Someone approached me with each opportunity.
My wife had the opposite day. She was attacked by a person for no good reason when she delivered information as a voluntary committee chairperson. Given it’s also her last week of school she went to meet her girl friends for a glass of wine. She came home ready to tell me all the details of her horrible encounter and, out of the blue, suggested we go get yogurt at our local ice cream house, Gene’s Beans. Ice cream shops are in houses in Fairhope.
As we were leaving, we ran into some old friends. We hadn’t seem them in a while and we knew he had recently received a new liver after a 3 year wait. This is the second friend who received a transplant. Michael, like my other friend, Jim, looked great. We talked and got the details of how the transplant happened. The way the circumstances came together was incredible. I said it was a ‘God moment’ and his wife said, “Oh we know!” On the moment he was on a jet heading to Houston(a story in itself), 15,000 prayer emails were sent over Caring Bridge by a lady his wife had shown a rental house just 3 weeks before. He felt great, looked great and truly appreciated the conversation we had.
Then he reminded Laura about their first meeting. He is a trial attorney and had deposed his client, Laura first husband, as he was in the final stages of cancer. The expressions they exchanged said it all. Both understood the value of each day.
On the way home, Laura was in a good mood. She said the conversation with Michael reminded her of the important things in life and got her off the negative of her unwarranted attack.
I had no idea why we were going for yogurt tonight when we got in the car. But God did. Thanks.