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Why we should all remain two year olds!

“He has been here for 20 years; but it more like he’s been here a year and just repeated the first year twenty times.”

Does this fit anyone you know? Gallup’s Engagement Q12 – In the last year, I have had the opportunity at work to learn and grow – seems like a no brainer. Yet only 50% of today’s workforce strongly agree. Ironically, 100% of two year olds strongly agree! As my two year old grandson says, “What happened, Diddy?”

Here’s a short video on the subject with a couple of suggestions.

Disclaimer: Gallup and Q12 are registered trademarks of Gallup Inc. All opinions expressed are mine and do not represent Gallup’s opinions. Information quoted is from published Gallup research.

Closing Tip of the Series:

Thank you for going through this engagement series with me. If you missed any of the 12 and want to see it, send me an email.

If I can be of service to you in this area, please let me know.

Here are some additional resources that my help you focus on raising your team’s engagement (and profitability):


12: The Elements of Great – By Rodd Wagner and James K. Harter

StrengthsFinder 2.0 – By Tom Rath

Now, Go Break All the Rules – By Marcus Buckinghamfitability) level:

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