Joyfully Losing Our Net Worth and Finding Our Real Worth
Follow me on this: Houses have never appreciated, they have inflated. When you sell your house, try buying a nicer house for the same...
Joyfully Losing Our Net Worth and Finding Our Real Worth
Claiming to offer Customer Service without phone service
Reflections on a great day
SteelCrazy and Patriotic After All These Years
Vacation Training and Asking Forgiveness
Charades and Leadership
Flip thinking and groups
What do You Expect?
Becoming Patient Zero
Find something good to say about everyone. Everyone
Remarkable Confluence on Leadership
If you want someone’s attention, Whisper
Optimistic Blind Spots
The Lifetime Value of a Mentor
Talking Heads Change vs. Core Values
Playing your way onto the bus
A Balanced Life and Steve Jobs
A Sweetheart of a Entreprenuer Story
Good Friends I Hope to Meet
Golden Rule Management